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- 9B Unit1 单元复习课件9B Unit1 单元复习课件2024-01-0935浏览
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- 9B Unit1 第5课时 Task and Self-assessment 课件9B Unit1 第5课时 Task and Self-assessment 课件2024-01-0910浏览
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- 9B Unit1 第4课时 Integrated skills and Study skills 课件9B Unit1 第4课时 Integrated skills and Study skills 课件2024-01-0917浏览
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- 9B Unit1 第3课时 Grammar 课件9B Unit1 第3课时 Grammar 课件2024-01-0925浏览
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- 9B Unit1 第2课时 Reading 课件9B Unit1 第2课时 Reading 课件2024-01-0919浏览
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- 9B Unit1 Task and Self-assessment 课件9BUnit1TaskandSelf-assessment课件2022-12-30175浏览
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- 9B Unit1 Integrated skills and Study skills 课件9BUnit1IntegratedskillsandStudyskills课件2022-12-30206浏览
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- 9B Unit1 Grammar 课件9BUnit1Grammar课件2022-12-30221浏览
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- 9B Unit1 Reading 课件9BUnit1Reading课件2022-12-30243浏览
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- 9B Unit1 Comic strip & Welcome to the unit 课件9BUnit1ComicstripWelcometotheunit课件2022-12-30213浏览
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- 9B Unit1 Task课件 (共19张PPT)9BUnit1Task课件共19张PPT2021-02-05507浏览
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- 9B Unit1 Integrated skills课件 (共23张PPT)9BUnit1integratedskills课件共23张PPT2021-02-05629浏览
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- 9B Unit1 Grammar课件 (共38张PPT)9BUnit1Grammar课件共38张PPT2021-02-05581浏览
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- 9B Unit1 Reading课件(共69张PPT)9BUnit1Reading课件(共69张PPT)2021-02-05715浏览
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- 9B unit1 Welcome to the unit课件 (共36张PPT)9Bunit1Welcometotheunit课件共36张PPT2021-02-05594浏览
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- 9下Unit 1 Asia task9下Unit1Asiatask2020-02-03393浏览
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- 9下Unit1 Asia Integrated skills9下Unit1AsiaIntegratedskills2020-02-03393浏览
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- 9B unit1 Asia Grammar--Uses of it9Bunit1AsiaGrammarUsesofit2020-02-03418浏览
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- 九下Unit1 Asia reading II 课件九下Unit1AsiareadingII课件2020-02-03454浏览
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- 9下Unit1 Asia Reading19下Unit1AsiaReading12020-02-03586浏览
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- 9B Unit1 Asia 全单元7份课件01-141442浏览
- 9下Unit1 Reading1 课件01-311059浏览
- 9B Unit1 Asia 全部MP301-05996浏览
- 9B Unit1 Reading(1) 课件01-04984浏览
- 9下Unit1 Integrated skills & study skills课件01-31942浏览
- 9下Unit1 Grammar课件01-31895浏览
- 9B Unit1 单元复习课件01-0935浏览
- 9B Unit1 第5课时 Task and Self-assessment 课件01-0910浏览
- 9B Unit1 第4课时 Integrated skills and Study skills 课件01-0917浏览
- 9B Unit1 第3课时 Grammar 课件01-0925浏览
- 9B Unit1 第2课时 Reading 课件01-0919浏览
- 9B Unit1 Task and Self-assessment 课件12-30175浏览