- 佚名
- 2022年10月28日
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- 软件评级: ★★★
- 开 发 商: 佚名
- 软件来源: 本站原创
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- 软件类别: 上学期
- 软件授权: 会员版
- 软件语言: 苏州市工业园区
- 更新时间: 2022年10月28日
- 详细信息:
( )1. -- Simon, why do you play _________ basketball every day?
- You know, there will be a match _________ the morning of November 20th.
A. the;in B. /; on C. /;in D. the;on
( )2. Which of the underlined letters has a different pronunciation (发音) from the other three?
A. often B. other C. clock D. long
( )3. There is a teacher's desk _________ the classroom. Mr Liu is standing _________ it.
A. in front of; in front of B. in the front of; in the front of
C. in the front of; in front of D. in front of; in the front of
( )4. My mother often does some cooking but my father _________ .
A. seldom is B. sometimes does
C. sometimes is D. seldom does
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